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Photoshop Photography Practice

Hello everyone! I honestly didn't even mean to make the title an alliteration, it just happened - kind of like my love for photoshop.

When I first started to use photoshop, I didn't quite get it. This was a few years ago, and my mindset about editing was a lot different. Why change a photo when you can just take a perfect shot instead? Why would you change the colors, identity, meaning of a picture if you're a photographer?

Clearly my stance on editing has changed a lot since then. I take a lot of time to edit and curate each one of my photos to my own tastes and I think I've improved a lot over the years. I went from an overly sharpened and saturated look, to something cleaner, clearer, and honestly, time consuming.

And that's just editing photos! I personally use Adobe Lightroom for my editing process but once in a while I'll open Photoshop and make something unique from a portrait, combining and processing images to create something that is - in my opinion - kind of breathtaking.

Have a look below at the images that I've photoshopped. Some of them are far better than others, and that's fine - I'm still getting better with each day. But comment what you think of each one. I look forward to using Photoshop more in the future as I advance as a photographer.

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